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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

But you didn't share the false alarm/miscarrage bit with your mates here Frown

So, you now have the whole, preeteen, Teen, girlfriend/ boyfriend/ whatever they identify as friend/ etc, etc, etc....

So, as a grandparent, I strongly suggest watching both of these video's to aid your parenting. It's like a free course !


There is actually great parenting advice in both of these......
Watch and learn Smile

Cartman: Time out?
Stella: [takes him to a stool and places him on it as Liane watches] Whenever you are naughty, Eric, you are going to sit on this stool for five minutes.
Cartman: [glances down and thinks] And what exactly keeps me on the stool?
Stella: It's the time-out stool. You can't get down until the time is up.
Cartman: [looks at her, then hops off the stool] Whoa, how did I do that? [walks off to get his X-Box]
Stella: Eric, you have to stay in time-out!
Cartman: Ummm, no?
Stella: [approaches him, takes his hands off the console, and takes him back to the stool] Come on, you don't have a choice.
Cartman: All right, seriously, you're starting to piss me off now.
Stella: [genuflects and addresses him firmly] Eric, you need to listen to me. [to Liane] This is very important. I am getting down to eye level with Eric so that I can talk to him on his level. [to Eric] Eric, you need to understand why you are being punished. All right?
Cartman: I'm just gonna get down as soon as you move.
Stella: Well then, I'll just have to stand right here! [Cartman snorts inward, gathering up a wad of mucus and saliva and spitting it at Stella's mouth] Oh! [Cartman hops off and walks toward his X-Box] He spit in my mouth!
Liane: Yeah, it's best to avoid his level.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I agree that the 775 boards will run with many i3's and i5's but with caviets.

I don't think the intel boards are worth using as they offer no overclocking and thats essential to get the speed up.

A Q9650 will O/C to 3.6 easily, 12 Meg lvl 2 cache helpswith speed and keeps it rocking on.

I'd look for a good ASUS or similar board that allows good O/Cing and you'll find it will play nearly anything.
Spend your cash on a good video card and you'll have a great time.

If you already have the Q9650 thats great but if not, don't buy one. The (some) 775's will let you drop in a 771 xeon with minor mods are they are far cheaper than a Quad core.

They also O/C really well, run a semi decent cooler and they are great.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
What class are you looking at ?

I used to race Yamaha KT 100, here's the NZ 2007 championship. At least 3 NZV8 racers in the field Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Most of the time bumps need to be added manually and some modders then overshoot and exxaggerate the bumps. The pukekohe track for ac is good example of this.

Not whats said by people who drive the track in real life !

"Doing the perfect lap is near-on impossible but there are the keys. Turn 1 is notoriously bumpy which adds character. You must have your car set to ride those bumps. You need to just clip a serious bump on the inside without running over it.

Turn 8 is a famous piece of track where the surface is probably the worst on the circuit. Getting in there on brakes late and turning is where it's all at. Maximize the braking but still getting the car turned and accelerate to build speed. Any wheel spin will work against you here."

Greg Murphy, the "King of Pukekohe"

Beautiful work! Having been driven on the track in real life, the bumps are pretty realistic. Pukekohe is sort of known for them. Hope to see more New Zealand tracks in the future
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
TL;DR: The new physics give a great improvement to framerate.

The joke is the fact that movies/ PS#, XBox only play 30 FPS (Yes, movies/TV are really different but I don't care in 'THIS' conversation)

Here is Wikipedia on the subject: "The human eye and its brain interface, the human visual system, can process 10 to 12 separate images per second, perceiving them individually.[1] The threshold of human visual perception varies depending on what is being measured. When looking at a lighted display, people begin to notice a brief interruption of darkness if it is about 16 milliseconds or longer.[2] Observers can recall one specific image in an unbroken series of different images, each of which lasts as little as 13 milliseconds.[3] When given very short single-millisecond visual stimulus people report a duration of between 100 ms and 400 ms due to persistence of vision in the visual cortex. This may cause images perceived in this duration to appear as one stimulus, such as a 10 ms green flash of light immediately followed by a 10 ms red flash of light perceived as a single yellow flash of light.[4] Persistence of vision may also create an illusion of continuity, allowing a sequence of still images to give the impression of motion."

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :
Like I said, learn to configure your hardware.

Software dude......

But, yes, do stop all pointless software running on startup, especially if your processor/system isn't the latest etc......

MSCONFIG is your friend here.

Quote from edge3147 :@Bigbob1993, If you can't exceed 100 FPS on LFS you need new hardware.

Rubbish, we all know that humans cannot see more than 30 FPS, "To find out more about why 30fps is sometimes the best option, check out our dedicated article that addresses the topic directly - do higher frame-rates always mean better gameplay?."

EDIT: I'll reply the below here....

He's not running LFS using that, its simply running in the background. Therefore, software !
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Great improvement on FPS, certainly works much better with Westhill.

I suggest doing a clean download and clean install as that will give the best result.
Just copy over your setup stuff.

Well done with the system improvements.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Yes, BUT..., Not according to Farcebook.

How does this fit with Scrawens view/aims/min specs for LFS. ?
Answers on the back of an envelope please......

"In a post on the company’s official blog, Oculus recommends the following for the “full Rift experience” when the headset ships in Q1 2016:

NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater
Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
2x USB 3.0 ports
Windows 7 SP1 or newer
“The goal is for all Rift games and applications to deliver a great experience on this configuration. Ultimately, we believe this will be fundamental to VR’s success, as developers can optimize and tune their game for a known specification, consistently achieving presence and simplifying development,” the company says."
15 May 2015
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
It was on the 'cloud', and so is M$ data stored from your PC.

What security/privacy is there regarding the info/data that MS collects ?

How is it stored ?

And many other questions, as in, who has access to this data ?
"Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users' communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency to circumvent the company's own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian."

And, for business info, this is highly material....

Microsoft have a proven track record of giving this info to US spy agencies.....

Snowden has yet to be disproved# regarding any of the information he has provided. The real issue is that it scares most people so they chose to pretend it doesn't exist.....
# Ok, here's the official "Snowden is wrong" post........


"The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism to its cloud storage service SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users worldwide"

"In July last year, nine months after Microsoft bought Skype, the NSA boasted that a new capability had tripled the amount of Skype video calls being collected through Prism"

"Material collected through Prism is routinely shared with the FBI and CIA, with one NSA document describing the program as a "team sport""

In June, the Guardian revealed that the NSA claimed to have "direct access" through the Prism program to the systems of many major internet companies, including Microsoft, Skype, Apple, Google, Facebook and Yahoo.

Blanket orders from the secret surveillance court allow these communications to be collected without an individual warrant if the NSA operative has a 51% belief that the target is not a US citizen and is not on US soil at the time.* Targeting US citizens does require an individual warrant, but the NSA is able to collect Americans' communications without a warrant if the target is a foreign national located overseas.

* Well, !#^@ you, but thats actually most of us........

And then there is this, do try reading this please......

"That secret order, issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, relies on Section 215 of the Patriot Act, 50 USC 1861, better known as the "business records" portion. It allows the government to obtain any "tangible thing," including "books, records, papers, documents, and other items," a broad term that includes dumps from private-sector computer databases with limited judicial oversight."

BI Director Robert Mueller hinted during a 2011 congressional hearing that there was a secret legal memorandum prepared by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that authorized a broader use of Section 215 than is publicly known.

"Wyden, who was present at that hearing, told Mueller that he was "increasingly troubled" that intelligence agencies are "relying on a secret interpretation" of the Patriot Act. "I believe that the American people would be absolutely stunned," Wyden said, if they knew what was actually going on."

Do try to remember that NZ is one of the 5 Eyes, we do all this stuff and it is common knowledge here that there is a wide span of data captured. Even in our major papers this is reported as common fact.
Remember, Aus, UK, Canada, US and NZ all are a part of this spying. Please accept that I have some idea of what I'm talking about.

Again, please show with proof that this is not happening, cus 10 is just, like Farcebook, making life really easy for these agencies.

Opposition Labour party leader Andrew Little asked Jagose what was meant by "full-take collection" as mentioned in the Snowden documents, according to coverage of the meeting by Wellington's Dominion Post newspaper.

It said Jagose declined to discuss agency work in detail, saying:"It is very difficult to say 'yes we do some things, we don't do some things."

She added that the GCSB operated under judicial warrant. "Everything we collect is authorized," she said.

The head of New Zealand's main domestic Security Intelligence Service (SIS), Rebecca Kitteridge told the committee there was "no indiscriminate collection of information."

Her agency had thought "carefully" about sharing information "beyond Five Eyes," Kitteridge added in remarks carried by Radio New Zealand.

The NZH article also said that a Five Eyes project code-named "Auroragold" had enabled the alliance to identify and scan mobile networks and phone links in Pacific nations such as Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands.

The Herald said the documents exposed the extent to which New Zealand security services were contributing to Five Eyes network.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

I still don't think any of the above sorts this issue out

And again, if you love sharing everthing, there is no (present) problem. Go for it and have fun.

For anyone who has info that needs to be actually private, run a version of Linux, with other precautions, and no problem.

As long as you understand with 10 how much of your info is shared without your knowledge or agreement, and you are happy with this lack of informed consent, then you can make a (semi) informed decision regarding your privacy and data security.....
(This is more a business issue than a personal issue, cus no one has private personal information on your computer that you are not happy with being freely available in the public domain, do you ????....)
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Ok, VM101, from my experience.

1: You need a device to provide input to your VM.

2: You need a device to feed back the output from your VM.

3: You need a machine to actually supply the VM and 'everything else'.

As I have had to explain to other people, Remote desktop gives limited access (Limited by client number times platform client limitation)
VM does not generally provide gaming graphics. (There are exeptions, just throw $$$$$$)

VM is not a magic solution to anything.
The cloud is not a magic solution to anything.

If you throw enough $$$ at any problem, you may, very possibly, create a solution, if not you have 2 choices....

1: Throw many, many, many, more $$$$$$, this is the accepted solution. It probably will only make the IT Fwits who claim their half arsed idea will work rich, everyone else gets to go bust.......

2: Be realistic and go with a proven solution that can be demonstrated to work. (Dull, boring, but cost effective.)

My advice is go with option 2, but please feel free to ignore this advice. Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Google is your friend, although they are only running 4 users per PC. It is done using VMWare.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Yeah, yeah, I've put tin foil around my tower, so I should be all right.

Screw international conspiracy; why is Media Player not free anymore? Deal with the real issues!

I bought a cheapo copy of 7 to upgrade to 10 for free, but happy to stick with 7 for now as it's fairly quick and reasonably unobtrusive.

A: We do the spying, why are you worried, unless you and your tinfoil have something to hide ?

B: Only Commie Mutant Traitor Scum (CMTS) provide free software. We Capitalists pay for our software with the Glorious Free Market.
Are you having a problem with the glorious free market ?
Perhaps we do need to monitor your behaviour........

C: There are no 'cheapo versions' of our wonderful software. You are clearly a CMTS who is stealing our wonderful money making software.

Please remain in your currently monitored location and agents of our glorious free market will be with you shortly to escort you to a re-education camp !


Extra bonus points for running this in the 80's as an RPG.

And, Ummm, Why do I love the Witcher 3 ????>

FYI, PM me and I'll give you a link to all the content of Paranoia .....
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :
Quote from Racer X NZ :snip......the issue is that they are on by default.

Must suck living in NZ, sounds like everyone is trying to steal each others identity there.

You really should try reading my links, that one was where we turned Queens Evidence and pointed out all the spying/stealing we did/do for the US, with all other parties who did/do named and shamed......

Opps, "Feel the Burn"

Def: Queen's evidence
Evidence for the prosecution given by a participant in or accomplice to the crime being tried.

(So I've called you out, show you have the %@((#$ to prove me wrong ! )

And Win 10 is just a continuation of the whole NSA data capture thing. How do I know ?, We (NZ) are a part of the whole thing and why anyone thinks NZ is this awesome sweet country completely escapes me. We spy on you and all your communications. So does Australia, Canada, UK, and US ov A.

And, as all the other parties do, as indeed do we (NZ), is to feed all this info back to the US.... (And (redacted)) (Because no one can ever talk about (redacted).)
As an even bigger 'joke', We apparently are not permitted to look at the info we capture cus it's "confidential".

So, when I point out the privacy issues that 10 gives, that's actually from a point of experience.

And, unless your private info can be used against you for advantage, who cares. BUT, business info, (worth $$$$) IS of interest.

I do wish people would grow up and realise the the whole concept of a free and open web NEEDS TO BE DEFENDED, if your in a country that allows such radical behaviour. (US, I'm looking at you !!!)
Cus, UK is clearly a joke, Canada has sold it's soul, and Aus have always been a bunch of US wanabees.....

Here's our PM (NZ) confirming what I've just posted above...

"But the Snowden papers show that counter-terrorism is at most a minor part of the GCSB's operations. Most projects are assisting the US and allies to gather political and economic intelligence country-by-country around the world.

Monitoring the Pacific nations is part of New Zealand's role as a member of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance. Mr Key said in January that sending troops to Iraq this year was, for his Government, "the price of the club". He named the club as the US, Britain, Canada and Australia, the other Five Eyes members."

And other, lets see, 1 (US) +2 (UK) +3 (CAN) +4 (AUS) +5 (NZ) +(redacted)

"The second important disclosure by Snowden is the fact that all
NSA raw intelligence is immediately and spontaneously transmitted to
(redacted) by their own Intel proprietary contractors, who also just happen
to be major intel contractors responsible for running almost all
American cell phone billing and Congressional internet and
communications too."

See what I mean.......

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
The concept of an USAian telling me to forget about private information is pretty much the issue I have with the latest versions of Windows.

Not every company wishes the US to steal their business information,odd that, and whilst your opinion is interesting it is strange that you resort to threats and abuse to convince us how right you are.

Then again, given your claimed age, I'll just put it down to youthful stupidity and ignorance.
Have a happy day Smile

Many people choose not to plaster their life all over farcebook and on other social media groups. Many people also limit the amount of personal information that the release online for very good reason. While, for many of the youth, vomiting all info online is all they know, many older people are aware of the issues that can create.

You should have to choose to share all your info, not have to dig around settings in the hope of turning it off.

This is a good article generally explaining the settings and how to change them, the issue is that they are on by default.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
This is hopefully a review of Start menus, I hope....

BUT, there is still the whole privacy issue with 10 that has really got up my nose (Polite response)

IMHO, Run 7 if you have it, none of the improvements in 8 / 8.1 / 10 / wotever are worth the crap involved with the upgrade to these M$ OS's..

If you want an awesome OS that works, try Zorin. Before that however, read this (below) and if you can't do this for yourself, talk to a local tech who cares about their users.

In NZ, PM me Smile
(Or if you have lots of money and want the best, just PM Smile I do worldwide support)
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
It's not about hating, it's about "Do you really need M$ to provide your OS ?"

Actually, "No, no you don't."

Win 10 is proving to be the mess that my experience with all the early builds suggested it would be. It really is pointless, 7 is far better as a desktop OS. 10 is invasive, it makes Buzzfeed look like informed journalism. Read this,

Win 10 is a joke, and I service and support this O$ for money............

I'm sticking with 7, then going Linux. I'm onselling Linux and recomending it to most users.
All my users who require privacy are using Linux....

Fine, if you want 10 then I'll sell you the upgrade. If you buy 10, then I'll sell you several fix's for your desktop and start menu.

TBH, M$ are making themselves irrelivant, 10 is not needed to run a PC, a number of other OS's are easier to use for most users, and most other OS's do not give all your info to the NSA.......

"In the default state on our machine there are 18 tiles. We haven’t moved any. We haven’t modified anything. This is the Start Menu we saw (and, with very minor variation) millions of other people will see.

Of those 18 tiles 10 of them are advertisements and/or otherwise monetized. If you count the fact that the OneNote tile prompts you to buy an Office 365 license then 11 out of the 18 tiles are not links to useful system functions or apps but some form of promotion.

Further, of those 18 tiles five of them, by default, are news (and in most cases that term should be applied lightly). You know what we don’t want? We don’t want a Start Menu that tells us “7 Tips for Handling Hot Summer Hikes”, what’s going on with oil futures, what the current state of the hearing of (insert the name of the most recent domestic terrorist here) is, or how things are going in the NFL. We don’t want burger recipes, tips on clearing brain fog, or suggestions for crap we should buy in the Xbox Live store. When did the Start Menu become a BuzzFeed ad?

Further, when we use the search box in the Start Menu we want to search our stuff. Not stuff out there on the web. Not stuff Microsoft wants us to buy from their store. Or, to summarize it succinctly, Lady Gaga should only appear in the Start Menu if you put her there.

Everyone was horrified and offended by how Microsoft took the Start Menu away in Windows 8 and replaced it with a horrible tile interface that looked like a bunch of advertising execs crapped all over it. The crass takeover of valuable screen real estate with blinking ads urging us to buy lackluster games from the Windows Store sat well with absolutely no one when Microsoft rolled it out three years ago. The fact that they stuck with the whole Internet-vomiting-into-your-Start-Menu theme despite the negative response it got in Windows 8 either means they’re greedy and want a slice of the advertising pie or they’re in such desperate need for a slice of that pie they’ve resorted to this."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
A: 12 licences are required unless you have an agreement with the Devs.

Yo, Ho, Ho is not approved of...... LOLZ Smile. Yes, I got the message.......

Ok, so now your legally licensed, normally with VM's you would run a thin client or PC/laptop etc, or equivalent for each client/user/racer to actually provide input (Mouse/kb, logon for networking) or in your case controllers.

Personally, I think you need to technically review what you are doing.

IMHO, run a basic server doing server stuff, run enough thin clients/PC's to do the client stuff, this is the graphics/controller input etc.

Think of a LAN party, same rules apply....

While I do appreciate what you are trying to do, I can't see a way of getting it to work ATM with todays tech.

Now, someone else please show how wrong I am here .... Smile

Yes, if your using a virtual desktop etc thats cool, I just believe you will need separate user hardware to get this to work. Just fire out the desktops to the hardware. And while you can virtualize desktop graphics, I do have my doubts in the real world, And absolutely with gaming.

Anyway, all the best and I hope you can get this working.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :What couldn't be turned off, out of interest ?
I know that Pro lets u turn almost everything off and I thought I'd got most/all of it in Home.

I'll let you focus on my question to you !
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
What couldn't be turned off, out of interest ?
I know that Pro lets u turn almost everything off and I thought I'd got most/all of it in Home.

Anyone who isn't into sharing run's Linux and I'm only personally running a Windoze install for gaming cus I'm lazy......

And a separate 7 box as a media box to do TV, On Demand, Lightbox, Movies, etc........

Then there is my separate testing/work System(s) , but that's on a dedicated PC running them as Virtual systems so I really don't care about my privacy there.

(And my partners Farcebook, Peeinterest, emale, photo, odd letter etc laptop, but she would be useless at running a revolution so I'm not too concerned there.)

You are responsible for your own privacy, as I told people when I was running training courses, don't post private stuff online. And if you want to run a revolution, a basic form of code is probably a good idea.
I.E. "The cat is very grey, brothers and sisters" is a better choice to post online than "The Revolution is tonight" !!!!!!

And, FYI. Don't Farcebook with all your mates......
That one really is a no brainer.
And location services on your phone, and, and, and.....

Why worry about the security with 10 if you don't care about any of those.
Either care about your security and privacy and run another OS or STFU about 10 and simply don't bother about the security issues.

And Mac OS is private, secure and doesn't share iCloud with the NSA, that's great to know. Rofl

I've got a low mileage bridge for sale, one careful owner. PM for details, but be in quick before it gets on the open market. Just for you a special price...
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Can you try LFS on another pc on your modem ?
It doesn't need to be able to play it, only to test the connection.

LFS doesn't use anything special to connect to the net so ???????

Are you on a home system, is there a firewall screen for websites ?
(If your at home, an annoying brother etc who may have set that up on the modem ?)
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Having just setup a home version of 10 for a client, both on setup, and then on the security tab, most of this can be turned off. The solution is to only create a local account on install, not a linked M$ account and to clean up the install after creating it.

If you don't like M$, then install a version of Linux. Seriously, that will sort your issues there.

The problem is that many people just want Windoze, and that's fine, I'll clean up the default crap and they are happy.

Everything is public domain these dayz, you (nearly) all post your liffs on Farcebook and/or Twatter.
Why the privacy issues then ?

If you have no concerns about giving the NSA access to all your data, then why complain about 10 ?
And if you do have an issue with that, your clearly a CMTS who needs to be spied on for 'National Security' reasons. Did I Say That?

If you want to communicate without sharing, my clients use "secular consequent of the ability of a soul specially empowered by God to reach, by magical means, from earth to Heaven" Smile.......
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Are you posting here from your LFS computer ?
Does the computer you play lfs on connect to the internet and/or play other internet based games ?

The issue is internet related, either some obscure firewall issue on the pc, or on the modem.

Have you, or anyone changed the default settings on either the pc or modem ?.

( IT Rule 1: Is it plugged in, is it turned on ? )
( IT Rule 2: Users lie. )

This issue is not LFS related, it is either related the PC you are running LFS on, or your modem.

This is provable as the rest of us don't have this issue !

If it still doesn't work, either talk to someone local to sort the issue, or pay my airfare and expenses and I'm more than happy to get it working for you Smile
Sorry, but this issue is certainly only related to your personal hardware/software setup.

P.S. Sorry for attacking your country in 1915, we had issues back then and the UK told us to ..........

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
If you want to try it on a partition or HD as a test, or run it for free to 3 months, here's a link to Enterprise download.

This article, , explains further but you don't seem able to licence the equivalent version of 10 with a valid 7 or 8.1 key that the article claims you can.

And it looks like Insider builds will shut off on 1 Oct 2015.

And on a lighter note, we now have the most existential error message ever....

Then again, it may be a very deep joke !

"'Something Happened' is Joseph Heller's second novel (published in 1974, thirteen years after Catch-22). Its main character and narrator is Bob Slocum, a businessman who engages in a stream of consciousness narrative about his job, his family, his childhood, his sexual escapades, and his own psyche."

And it may be a very, very deep joke, just read and think about this Rock, Paper, Shotgun article before you install 10, and do actually read the options when you install.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :
Now the Windows update window wants to reboot to "begin the installation process", and I'm afraid I can't cancel it anymore.
Is there a way to cancel the automatic upgrade at this point?

Never tried this but it may work....
".. you can cancel it. Right-click the Windows icon on the taskbar and select "Check your upgrade status." Then click the menu at the upper left of the screen and choose "View confirmation." Click "Cancel reservation." That's all it takes."

My view on Win 10:-
Highly impressed, I've been running various builds as an insider (virtually), 1 of 5.5 million !, so I decided just to clean download a consumer version (Pro) and install onto a blank hdd to see how it works as a new install.

Needed to download nvidia drivers# as it didn't i.d. the video card, but that was the only issue.

Soundblaster Audigy wasn't identified originally but sorting that was actually far easier than it was with 7.

It picked up my old printer (Brother MFC laser) when that was turned on and installed all the drivers including scanner and fax, and set up the fax for me with no issues, something I've never bothered doing myself.

I would certainly recommend Classic Shell beta 4.2.3 if you want to use 7's start menu but overall I'm actually impressed with the release.

It's light years ahead of 8.1, seems like 7 after Vista TBH.

Also, it identified my other OS installs, and created a multiboot startup choice, well done 10 Smile

# Been some issues apparently with Nvidia drivers and 10 so that may just be an issue with the version I've downloaded today.

Disclaimer; my system is still on 7, my media centre is certainly staying on 7 for the foreseeable future, and this is just a clean install on a spare hd on my gaming box. Smile
I'll do a 7 pro install onto this disk and try the upgrade to get a cleanish version. It seems the only way to upgrade to a clean install is to upgrade an existing install of 7 or 8.1, create boot media from that, then clean install off the media.......
And I'm still waiting to see what happens with the insider builds re licencing.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .